A potter, woodworker, seamstress, painter and more

A potter, woodworker, seamstress, painter and more

Hyphen's latest artist-in-residence is creating some 'mischief' in the Creative Studio.

Pinky Wittingslow is a potter, woodworker, seamstress, spinner, painter and engineer.

"It's a wonderful space to work and I get up to a lot of mischief in the studio, you can come up and see me some time when you come up to the gallery," she said.

Pinky explained that the artist in residency was a fantastic opportunity for her as an emerging artist.

"I was really excited to take up this opportunity. I have been working from my home studio for a long time and having this studio space at Hyphen is perfect for me to share what I do with other people," she said.

"Having the studio space at Hyphen means I have a professional meeting space when I need to meet with people and they can see my artwork at the same time.

"I can also come and do my artwork, leave and go home at the end of the day and leave my professional practice here, which is a fantastic opportunity."

The Wodonga resident was a teacher at Wodonga TAFE but now runs her own creative workshops.

Pinky enjoys creating ways of using natural materials sustainably.

Come and meet Pinky this Saturday at Hyphen during an open studio where you can explore her art and art-making techniques.

See first-hand how she grinds soft ochre rocks and blends them with other ingredients to make paint.

Pinky will be our artist in residence until April 10.

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